ITOS Capabilities
Telemetry Capabilities
Telemetry ingest software
- Frame synchronization
- De-randomization
- Reed-Solomon EDAC
- CRC error detection
- CCSDS packet extraction
- Simultaneous bit-stream, frame, and packet archiving
- In current use on commodity hardware with a 40 Mbps downlink stream
Telemetry processing
- User-defined telemetry mnemonics and packet layouts, including variable packet layouts
- Wide variety of measurand types and byte orderings.
- Derived telemetry using complex STOL-language expressions
- Engineering unit conversions using 8th order polynomials or STOL-language expressions
- Conversion to text, with an unlimited number of states
- Red / yellow limits; multiple limit sets per mnemonic
- Real-time statistics (min, max, mean, etc) can be computed for user-selected mnemonics.
- Frame and packet archive playback
- Telemetry distribution over most transports to any number of simultaneous clients.
Command Capabilities
- CCSDS and other formats
- User-defined command mnemonics, parameters, and binary packet layouts.
- Generation of CCSDS transfer frames and CLTUs
- CCSDS COP-1 closed-loop command verification
- Complex telemetry end-item verification of commands
- Real-time command constraints
- Designation of hazardous and critical commands
- Command encryption using MYK-15A, including control and monitoring of encryptor
- Command authentication
- Tools for building absolute and relative time sequence command loads and flight software table loads
- Table and memory load, dump, and compare functions
- Maintenance of ground reference image of flight software memory
Simulation Capabilities
ITOS can act as a spacecraft simulator for instrument and component development.
- Optional 1553 and SpaceWire interfaces provide flight-like communication between ITOS and the component.
- Users interact with ITOS normally; ITOS simulates the spacecraft for the component under test.
ITOS can simulate a spacecraft or component.
- ITOS includes an internal telemetry simulator capable of generating packets defined in the ITOS database.
- ITOS also includes components for decoding incoming commands.
- Incoming commands can trigger STOL procedures, and since STOL has complete control over the telemetry simulation, realistic command responses can be scripted.
Telemetry and Command Transports
- TCP client and server
- UDP unicast, multicast, and broadcast
- SLE R-AF, R-CF, and F-CLTU
- direct serial RS-232, RS-422, ECL, LVDS
- MIL-STD-1553
- SpaceWire
Ground stations and FEPs
- Universal Space Network
- Berkeley Ground Station
- Malindi
- Front-end processors (FEPs) equipment from Avtec, IN-SNEC, Enertec, and others; control and monitoring of Avtec and IN-SNEC units.
- ITOS does not require the use of a local FEP in most cases.
- Common ground message headers including LEO-T
File Transfer
- CFDP class 1 & 2 downlink and uplink; class 2 downlink in current use at 100 Mbps.
- Custom schemes including cpio implemented for bi-directional file transfer
Automation Capabilities
Most missions using ITOS for mission operations are staffed during normal business hours only. Automation tools include:
- STOL interpreter with capability for file i/o; control of IEEE-488, serial, and networked instrumentation; access to the UNIX shell; and remote control by other programs or computers over sockets or GMSEC bus
- Configuration monitor which evaluates collections of STOL-language “if” statements in parallel; executes a STOL directive on “true”
- Ground time sequence directive executor provides time-driven control center automation
- Compatible with Data Management System (DMS), which provides data-driven control center automation.
Display Capabilities
- Displays are fully user-defined and include text, dial & bar gauges, X-Y plots, strip charts, indicators, and command buttons
- Most displays are available remotely using a web browser
- Event logs are stored in a relational database which can be accessed by multiple viewers.
- Sequential prints produce plain text tables of data suitable for export to other tools.
Telemetry & Command Database
Build up telemetry and command definitions using complex types from a single component all the way to the spacecraft itself.
- For example, define a reaction wheel’s telemetry and commands as a type, then instantiate once for each wheel. Each instance can then be tailored for variations in EU conversion, limits, and so on.
- Complex names are dot-delimited: probe.acs.wheel.speed. Flat name spaces are still supported. Aliases can be created for all names in the database.
Likewise, build up a whole spacecraft definition as a type and instantiate multiple times for a fleet of identical spacecraft.
- Each can still be tailored to account for normal variations between members of the fleet.
- Very complex telemetry unpacking rules are supported to accommodate a wide range of telemetry packing schemes.
Database conversions
- Record to HTML
- Record to PDF
- Record to XML
- Record to DBX (via XML)
- DBX to Record